Tried & Tested Corporate Training Modules

Corporate Training Modules…

1. Discover Your Hidden Potential
2. Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness
3. All About Leadership
4. Building a Winning Team
5. Enhancing Time Intelligence
6. Innovative Decision Making
7. Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
8. MUSTs of Investment Management
9. Navchetana – Blue Collar
10. Managing Change for Growth
11. Winning Communication Skills
13. The Art and Science of Selling
14. Negotiate to Win
15. Train the Trainer
16. Relationship Management
17. Enhancing Managerial Skills
18. Assertiveness Training
19. Enhance Your Adversity Quotient
20. Effective Parenting for Working Professionals
21. Customer Sensitivity
22. Stress Management
23. Adventures with Self
24. Work life Balance
25. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
26. Tame the Stress Monster
27. Neuro-Linguistic Programming 
28. Hire Assets Not Liabilities
29. Psychometrics for HR Professionals
30. Making Effective Presentations
31. Imparting Result Oriented Training
32. Facing Challenges together
33. Towards Professionalism
34. Developing Change Agents
35. Organizations are built on Conflicts
36. Customer is the King - CRM
37. 5S : An Experiential Tour
38. Inventory Management
39. Supply-chain Management
40. Logistic Management
Welfare Trainings - 
For Employees and Spouses
1. Effective Parenting Skills
2. Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
3. Health Cooking
4. Life-style Management Program
5. What Every Women Must know about Fashion
6. Dining Etiquettes for All
7. Yoga for Fit Life
8. Enhance you Spirituality Quotient
9. Personality Development
10. Marital Counseling
Welfare Trainings - 
For Employees Children
1. Comprehensive Career Counseling Program
2. Discover You Hidden Potential
3. Five Habits of Brilliant Students
4. Scientific Study Skills
5. Public Speaking Skills
6. Personality Development
7. Calligraphy
Innovative Programs
1.Master Skills
3.Power Of Habits
4.Power of Subconscious Mind
5.Performance Conversation
 HR Programs
1.HR Analytics
2.Competency Mapping
4.Competency based L&D